Thursday, December 07, 2006

The 2006 Elections are not over: Texas 23rd district

The election for the House is over and the Democrats have won control, but there are two more races that have yet to be decided at the polls. One of them is the Democratic seat currently held by Bill Jefferson, who is being opposed by Karen Carter. The other seat, the one I am talking about right now is the one held by Congressman Henry Bonilla (R), who represents the 23rd congressional district of Texas, and is being opposed by Former Congressman Ciro Rodriguez (D), in a race that is largely under the national radar. I am not going to play this up as an "epic battle" or anything of the sort, because the 2006 elections have already been decided, but it is interesting nonetheless.

In November Rep. Bonilla won about 48 percent of the vote, but he needed 50 percent to avoid a runoff becuase the district was reconfigured by the courts in a challenge to the 2004 redistricting. Ciro Rodriguez was the Democrat with the most votes and he was thus the candidate opposing him in the runoff in December.

Here is the SurveyUSA poll of the district--

According to this poll, Bonilla is leading by a margin of 53 to 46, and its going to be interesting to see how this plays out.


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